A Way


A Way

by Riles (late 2017/early 2018)

I watch these planes fly overhead

And I wonder to what parts they are being led.

That is all I ever do these days,

Sit and watch nothing as it plays.

I am unfulfilled, strong-willed, with a medium build

Wondering what else there is for me to steal.

I promise, I look for that direction,

But as usual I only end up making objections.

I like to spend time in nature alone with only me.

I look up at the trees and wonder how far they can see;

But in those legions of leaves I can only see the green that sat in her eyes.

I scream at myself, "no more, stop looking at me, spare me from the lies."

This is the end? No it can't be, tell me there's more.

Yes there could be more, but are you willing to open the door?

Yes whatever it takes, just remove me from this hell, before my young mind breaks.

Perhaps there's more to tell yet, surely you can't be as bad at this as you are handshakes.

As I opened that door, I saw a world I haven't seen before.

It was one filled with wonder, one I couldn't bring myself to ignore.

I finally saw that it wasn't the end, I was just too afraid to leave my cave.

I was so scared of being brave, all I did was make myself a slave

To fear, to uncertainty, to late nights, to brutal fights.

I didn't know my left from my right. I couldn't find the courage to write

Down a list of my demons, and scratch each one off one by one;

For as far as I was concerned, my future was undone and my past had won.

Death and all his friends won't be able to reach me.

I now have this ship, and I know how to navigate this sea.

I circumnavigate by day and look to the stars by night;

They will be the ones to guide me, because I no longer need to run from the light.

By the end of my journey, I will have multiplied my blessings tenfold;

There will be someone I can turn to, somebody I can hold.

I will have songs to sing, and notes to play.

For at the end of this story, I can say I found a way.

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